Friday, November 04, 2005

My country right or wrong?

(The following letter was published in our local newspaper in early 2004).

January 27. 2003

Dear Editor,

I am deeply concerned at the ignorance displayed toward the principles this country was founded upon. That ignorance starts at the top with our President, and unfortunately extends down to the common person.

It seems to me that ever since the Vietnam era, there has been a new theory of patriotism. That theory is expressed in phrases like, “my country, right or wrong,” “America, love it or leave it,” and more recently George Bush’s “you’re either with us or you’re with the terrorists.”

We’ve forgotten that this nation was established to free ourselves from the tyranny of dictatorship of kings and despots. We no longer seem to relish healthy debate. Challenging our government’s actions is not only good for America, it is an essential component in protecting our freedom.

When protests turn to violence and anarchy, such actions should be dealt with. However, protest itself should not be restrained, but rather unlawful actions themselves.

In hindsight, we often criticize the German people for Hitler’s reign of terror. We villify the Japanese people for their submission to their Emperor’s attempt to enslave the Pacific.

Yet, they simply followed the logic many of our leaders and common people proclaim to in America today.

That is, do not question, do not challenge, simply follow - My country, right or wrong.


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