Sunday, March 06, 2011

Wisconsin and the last cookie...

Ever since that moron of a governor in Wisconsin announced his plan to do away with workers collective bargaining rights, workers across the nation have risen up to fight back.

It's difficult to get the general public to understand why it is so important to have unions and collective bargaining. If only there were some way to illustrate the concept...

By now the story has made the rounds a few hundred thousand times.
I've heard several variations. One of them goes like this:

A CEO, a non-union worker, and a union worker sat down at a table.
The CEO took 11 of 12 cookies.
Then he said to the non-union worker,
"be careful, that union guy wants to take the last cookie!"

Like I said, there's probably 10 or more variations, but the concept is there.

It's a perfect way to illustrate what's going on these days, hell, what's been going on since Ronald Reagan came to power.

It's all about framing, it's all about securing wealth for the few, and creating a diversion so that everyone else fights over what's left over.

I would like to think those days are coming to an end, but I'm not that optimistic.
Too many Americans are still clueless as to the rip off going on right before their eyes.

I'm so tired of hearing people say, "oh both political parties are the same" "they all lie" blah blah blah.

The fact remains, that as fault-ridden as the Democratic Party is, it is THE ONLY PARTY that ever did squat for working people.

Every law on the books today protecting workers was fought for and won by DEMOCRATS.
Fair Labor Standards - i.e. the 40 hour work week...DEMOCRATS
Child Labor Laws - DEMOCRATS
Civil Rights - DEMOCRATS
Family Medical Leave Act - DEMOCRATS
Social Security, Medicare, Health Care - DEMOCRATS

The list goes on and on...
Oh, you'll hear some RepubliCONs tell you how they voted for some of these laws.
That's true, SOME did.

But on every piece of legislation, from the Food and Drug Safety Act to the new Healthcare Reform under President Obama, the right wing, business-worshipping RepubliCONs have fought every one of those initiatives.

I'm also fed up with the worship of St. Ronald Reagan. While he was a personable man, and a very good speechmaker, he was a disaster as a President! Under his "leadership" we saw tax breaks for the rich, while millions of Americans lost their jobs and many ended up homeless...sound familiar? Yep, the same policies of Reagan were carried on by Bush, Clinton, and Bush II.

And now our nation is nearly broke.

AND YET, the RepubliCONs want to blame this mess on Democrats and working Americans.
The mess in Wisconsin is a prime example of over reach by RepubliCONs who want to make workers, specifically union workers the problem.

Remember, there's only one cookie left!

I can't believe that we sit by while the federal government gives BILLIONS (with a "B") in tax breaks to the Oil Companies, while they gouge us with prices at nearly $4 a gallon.

One important lesson should be learned from Wisconsin.
Until people get on their feet and begin to fight back, NOTHING will happen.

I sincerely believe that all working Americans should band together and call a 3-day general strike to send a message to the RepubliCONs and the multi-national corporations. If we stand together as our brothers and sisters did in Madison, Wisconsin, we could bring these anti-worker forces to their knees.

It's time that we demand much more than a cookie!


Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Fired up, Ready to GO!

Well folks, I've been silent for too long!
I realized the other day that I was allowing my Facebook page to be overtaken by my social/political rants. While I make no apologies for my views...I figured it might be a good idea to return to blogging...and let my Facebook page return to being a "happy place" to brag about grandbabies and such.

I will place links on my Facebook to refer back to this blog...

As always, I welcome dissenting views...but be prepared for rebuttal, and counter rebuttles from me.

This is one Liberal that is neither bashful or apologetic for his views in support of ALL human beings...not just the priveleged few!
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