The only difference is that our troops are being forced to kill
scores of civilians at a time to find one or two "insurgents"
At least in Nam there was an armed enemy in sufficient numbers to make some kind of arguement when "collateral damage" (killing of innocents) took place.
I'm pissed, so pissed that it's all I can think about day and night.
I am pissed at people who stick "support the troops" stickers on their car who have no idea what that really means.
I wonder if they say the coffins, one by one, the maimed, disfigured, dismembered of our troops by the thousands...if they would be willing to look their parents in the eyes and say, it was worth it.
I wonder if they saw the tens of thousands of dead Iraqi babies, men, and women...the disfigured, those burned by white phosphorus, amputated legs, feet, hands, and arms...if they would say to those people, "we set you free.:
This "war" is worse than Vietnam in the sense that few people have done a damn thing to speak out against the lies we've been told. Fewer have had the courage to take forward the idea that to truly support the troops we must insist they not be needlessly endangered.
That's what Cindy Sheehan did and continues to do. And what is the response? She's a collaborater with terrorists.
Rep John Murtha tried to speak in support of our troops to prevent more of our sons and daughters from being needlessly slaughtered and he was called a coward!
That's how it works when you take a stand that pricks the conscience of people.
The Administration has not "stretched the truth" THEY HAVE LIED.
Our Congress has not supported the troops, instead many have been nothing more than cheerleaders for the rush to war. Many others are too gutless to take a stand. And a few courageous individuals have tried to speak out. The latter being painted as "extremists"
Here is my theory based on the historical comparison to the Vietnam War.
Our kids go and fight. Some die, many are physically maimed, many more are psychologically and emotionally scarred for life. They return home to a public that "devotes" less than 5 minutes a day thinking about the war. Less time finding out the facts for themselves (listening to Rush Lumbaugh does not count as real information!) and even less time advocating for the troops.
Many of the same people who say support the troops don't give a damn about the troops. As long as they can fill up the SUV, pick up their DVDs at Blockbuster, and plan their next entertaining adventure, life is good. Besides, it's an all volunteer they shouldn't complain.
And that's what really pisses me off. Unlike Vietnam, these are men and women who were not drafted into this insane war. They had already promised to protect and defend this country...with one important qualifier, that we would not place them in danger needlessly. Well, WE HAVE FAILED AMERICA, WE HAVE FAILED.
Our situation is not George Bush's fault, although he has the blood of many on his hands. Our situation is our fault because we remain virtually silent.
"whatever a man soeth, that shall he also reap." I believe the same goes for remaining passive when we know we should act. We will all suffer for our failure to step up in true support for our troops and for allowing this President and his Administration make our world far more dangerous than ever before.
If you really want to begin to understand what's going on AND get involved...start here and learn what our troops have to say. And then email your congressmen and senators...emaill your to your friends...write letters to the editor of newspapers.
Otherwise...IT WILL be Vietnam all over again, again!