Thursday, October 15, 2009

Long, long hiatus!

I started this blog a few years ago for a number of reasons.
For the most part, I was despondent about the direction our nation was headed...DOWN!

I had started out in 2007 as an Edwards supporter. It's tragic how that turned out. In many ways, John had the fire and the sincerity in his support of the American people. Unfortunately, like so many men in powerful positions, he succumbed to the temptations prompted by an over inflated ego. He's not the first and obviously, won't be the last. But it is sad...

Then in 2008, like millions of you, I discovered Barack Obama!
For the first time in many years, the word "HOPE" actually had meaning for me.

I was so pumped, I went to my local caucus, got elected as an Obama Delegate and went on to the Kitsap County Democratic Convention and got elected to go to the 6th Cong District meeting for a chance to be elected as a delegate to the Denver Convention. I didn't make it to the meeting due to a family illness. But my chances were almost nill as dozens of people had lobbied for those few delegate spots, and I was hardly a party insider. But just being able to say that I was an Obama delegate is good enough for me.

We had a room full of friends and family in our home on election night, and we literally toasted the moment Barack was officially elected President, with champagne and tears. It was an awesome night!

As we have seen in his first year, it has been nothing less than a constant barrage of hate speech from the right. Now with Health Care Reform on the brink of actually passing, the right is really pushing back along with their buddies in the Insurance and Big Pharma lobbies.

So, I've decided to put my writing "talent" to work and begin blogging again.

I hope you will find my essays thought provoking. I wrote a column for eight years for the Navy News called "Inside the Gate" in which I took on all kinds of subjects but mostly those focused on the American Worker and labor unions. I often received what I consider the best type of compliment from those who read my column: "Mark, quite often I don't agree with your point of view, but I will admit, you make me think."

That's the point, Americans need to think, and think critically. The bandwagon mentality of the right has nearly brought us to total ruin. Most of these people are blindly supporting policies and views that are destroying their own lives and they don't even know it!

I will try to keep my posts no longer than 500 words each, as I did for my column years ago.


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